Rychtal ObwĂłd VI

In translating helped me Ann Cyprowska.
„ First man, then machine” said Soichiro Honda
This sentence became a motto of all Honda concerns, that are situated in eighteen European countries. This motto : „ First man, then machine” shows, that Honda first of all take care of the clients and their needs. Image is also important but not so much like people.
Honda was invited in 1948 and since that time became famous thanks to its excellent technology. During last 50 years Honda extended its offer about great social help and care about natural environment.
First place, where Honda sells its products is reserved for The United States of America, second is Japan, and third place is taken by Europe. Honda is the biggest company, which produce engines to motorcycles, cars, generators, mowers, agricultural machines, boats and so on…
First Honda cars occurred in years 60’s , after produced first car by Daimler-Benz company in 1886.
Honda and engines, these two words have been connected together since the time when people heard about Honda. Like with everything, it takes time to become perfect. The same was with Honda Motor. It took Soichoro Honda years to improved the quality of the engines, he even took some classes to learn more about metallurgy. Of course it ended success, because Mr. Soichoro put his knowledge into practice. “Honda number 1 ” … this name Honda owed car races, that are known all over the world.
Honda formula 1
Honda gets prices from drivers and journalists called Nobel Grand Prix races. Frere said about Honda : “this is the area where prestige, style and image is more valuable than any price, accessory, even the technical idea”. Honda is situated close to car concerns like Ferrari, Mercedes-Benz, Lotus, Alfa, Romeo or Maserati.
The highway to cars
First car made by Honda was S 500 and T 360, then new version of S 600 coupe and in 1965, L 700.
Of course there are many models of the Honda cars and it will take time to list all of them,so I would like to concentrate on one, specially important for me . It is Honda Civic, produced in 1973, this model situated Honda on one of the top places in a car range. There are few different models of Honda Civic, but the last one, presented in 2006 illustrate new safe standards, style, and natural environment protection.
”Designing new Honda Civic we tried to get the highest point in safety, style, and the best equipped car in its class.”
Maybe I am not the professional, but in my opinion Honda is exactly and even better then the car could be….
Very, very well done ... congratulation...
I`m waiting for more :wink:
I think there is a mistake in title. There should be Short Story about Honda or Short History of Honda.
And there is a little mistake with the family name of Soichiro. The real family name is Hondo but they decided to change the name during the time when Honda started to build the cars. :wink:
Ow right